About Bar Wisdom


Walk into a bar, grab a chair, order a drink and you just might find yourself sitting beside the next Sigmund Freud, Bill Maher or Kahlil Gibran. It is in such settings that people often drop their guard and express themselves, usually without filters, themselves becoming a philosopher, poet, teacher or comedian.

I am a man who enjoys the occasional drink when a day’s work is done. “Feed the body by day; nourish the spirit by night,” is my personal creed. And I really enjoy traveling to new places and frequenting the local watering holes. My perspectives are often broadened when I talk, sip, listen and connect with the patrons around me.

With that in mind, "Bar Wisdom" was born. For nearly a decade I have penned many a witty or wise thought with drink in front of me and my little black journal on the bar. And I have captured the thoughts of many brave souls who have dared to express themselves in the bar journal as well. 

Bar Wisdom is a sampling of such, and this page is a daily posting of my own personal musings as well as those of the many kindred, if not slightly inebriated, spirits I meet.

As I travel this country, one town, one bar at a time, Bar Wisdom is always my companion. And as I approach my 100th volume, it is in a constant state of expansion and evolution.

This Winter, the best of the best from a decade’s worth of drinking and reading will be published. Look for it in the not too distant future at a bookstore – or bar – near you!

Cheers! And enjoy.

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